Dr Laure Peter-Derex, Dr Perrine Ruby

Dr Birgit Frauscher (MNI, McGill University, Montréal), Dr Véronique Latreille (MNI, McGill University, Montréal)


Several works have reported the role of interictal epileptiform activities in transient cognitive impairment (Aarts et al., 1984; Kleen et al., 2013) and some of them have provided evidence in favor of a specific impact of sleep-associated epileptic activity on cognition, including memory consolidation (Aldenkamp and Arends, 2004; Halasz, 2013; Holmes and Lenck-Santini, 2006; Beattie et al., 2016; Chan et al., 2017; Galer et al., 2015; Miller et al., 2016; Sarkis et al., 2016; Urbain et al., 2011). Very few studies have explored other cognitive aspects of sleep in epileptic patients, such as sleep perception and dream recall; some authors have reported a decrease in dream report rate in temporal lobe epilepsy (Bentes et al., 2011) but no study has investigated the link between nocturnal epileptic discharges (ED) and dream recall and little is known about extra-temporal epilepsy. Intracranial recordings (Stereo-EEG=S-EEG) performed for pre-surgical evaluation of drug-resistant epileptic patients provide the unique opportunity to investigate precisely sleep microstructural epilepsy-related modifications and their association with sleep-associated cognitive functions in epileptic patients. This project aims to study if ED-induced sleep disruption has a clinical impact on sleep perception, dreams and vigilance. It is based on sleep questionnaires and dream diaries in epileptic patients undergoing intra-cranial exploration, as well as objective sleep and epileptic load analysis thanks to combined PSG-SEEG recordings.