Chercheur Post-doctorant


En premier auteur

  • Masson, R., & Bidet-Caulet, A. (2019). Fronto-central P3a to distracting sounds: An index of their arousing properties. NeuroImage, 185, 164-180. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.10.041
  • Masson, R., Lévêque, Y., Demarquay, G., ElShafei, H., Fornoni, L., Lecaignard, F., … Bidet-Caulet , A. & Caclin, A. (2020). Auditory attention alterations in migraine: a behavioral and MEG/EEG study. Clinical Neurophysiology. doi: 10.1101/661413
  • Masson, R., Demarquay, G., Meunier, D., Lévêque, Y., Hannoun, S., Bidet-Caulet, A. & Caclin, A. (2021). Is migraine associated to brain anatomical alterations? New data and a coordinate-based meta-analysis. Brain Topography. doi: 10.1007/s10548-021-00824-6

En co-auteur

  • ElShafei, H. A., Fornoni, L., Masson, R., Bertrand, O., & Bidet-Caulet, A. (2019). What’s in Your Gamma? Activation of the Ventral Fronto-Parietal Attentional Network in Response to Distracting Sounds. Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhz119
  • Lévêque, Y., Masson, R., Fornoni, L., Moulin, A., Bidet-Caulet, A., Caclin, A., & Demarquay, G. (2020). Self-perceived attention difficulties are associated with sensory hypersensitivity in migraine. Revue Neurologique. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2020.01.360
  • ElShafei, H. A., Fornoni, L., Masson, R., Bertrand, O., & Bidet-Caulet, A. (2020) Age-Related Modulations of Alpha and Gamma Brain Activities Underlying Anticipation and Distraction. PlosONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229334


E-mail address: remy.masson [at]

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