
J’étudie l’écoute des malentendants dans le cadre de mon doctorat. En collaboration avec Annie Moulin et Aurélie Bidet-Caulet, notre travail vise à mieux comprendre les processus cognitifs liés à la compréhension de la parole dans des environnements bruyants, en utilisant une combinaison de techniques subjectives (comportement, questionnaires) et objectives (pupillométrie, EEG).


  • Seropian L., Ferschneider M., Cholvy F., Gallego S., Micheyl C., Moulin A. Pupillometry : new insights to effectively assess listening effort in hearing impaired people. Poster selected for poster discussion at the 14th congress of the European Federation of Audiological Societies, 22-25 may 2019, Lisbon (Portugal). Abstract published in Journal of Hearing Science, 2019; 9(1) Supplement: 149-150:: ID: 03901 – P079.
  • Seropian L., Ferschneider M., Cholvy F., Gallego S., Moulin A. Self-reported listening effort measured by an extended version of the Effort Assessment Scale (EEAS). Poster presented at the 14th congress of the European Federation of Audiological Societies, 22-25 may 2019, Lisbon (Portugal). Abstract published in Journal of Hearing Science, 2019; 9(1) Supplement: 170:: ID: 03902 – P127.
  • Seropian L., Popieul J., Soares-Boucaud I., Moulin A. Towards a French language version of the Children’s Listening and Processing Skills Scale (ECLiPS). Poster selected for poster discussion at the 14th congress of the European Federation of Audiological Societies, 22-25 may 2019, Lisbon (Portugal). Abstract published in Journal of Hearing Science, 2019; 9(1) Supplement: 144:: ID: 03825 – P034.

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E-mail professionnel : lou.seropian [at]

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